Kami mengediakan Alat Laboratorium Aspal antara lain :
For determining softening point of aspalt and tar using the ring and ball method
Spesifikasi :
For measuring the irregulation of road surface both asphalt and concrete pavement
MARSHALL TEST SET; ASTM D-1559 AASHTO T-245 For determining the resistance to plastic flow of cylinder specimen of bituminous paving mixture loaded on the lateral surface by means of the marshall apparatus. Specification : Compression Machine; steel frame, electric, 220 V-AC, 1/ 2 HP, 1 Phase, speed : 2 ” per minute, 1 Set
Deskripsi Produk
Keterangan ASTM D-36 / AASHTO T-53 For determining softening point of asphalt and tar using the ring and ball method
Info Produk For determining bitument in hot paving mixtures and pavement sample. ASTM D-2172 REFLUX EXTRACTOR TEST SET For determining bitument in hot paving mixtures and pavement sample. ASTM D-2172 ASTM D-2172 AASTHO D-164 Type Part Name Specification Qty BTE-471.1 Glass Jar Pyrex, 6″ i.d approx 1 Pc BTE-471.2 Funnel Two wire mesh screen cone 1 Set BTE-471.3 Condensor Brass/ copper 1 Pc BTE-472 Hot Plate 220 V-AC, 1000/ 1500 Watt 1 Pc BTE-473 Filter Paper Low ash filter paper 1 Box GTE-554 Asbestos Wire Gauze, 15 cm x 15 cm 1 Pc Weight of REFLUX EXTRACTOR TEST SET : 15 Kg
Info Produk
Water Content In Petroleum Products ASTM D-95 AASHTO T-55For determining water in crude petroleum, tars and products derived from these materials
but not part of this set :
Dimension (l x w x h) : 25 x 25 x 60 cm. Gross Weight : 10 kg
Specific Gravity Of Semi-Solid Bituminous Materials
For determining the specific gravity of semi solid bituminous materials, asphalt cement and soil tar pitches by use picnometer. ASTM D-70
Standard Testing : ASTM D-5 / AASHTO T-49
For determining consistency of bituminous materials.
Consist of :
Dimension (l x w x h) : 50 x 50 x 70 cm / Gross weight : 25 Kg
ASTM D-6/D-1754 ; AAHSTO T-47/T-179; According SNI 06-2440-1991
For determining the loss in mass (exclusive of water) of asphaltic compounds after heating.
Dimension (l x w x h) : 100 x 100 x 100 Cm / Weight (approx) : 45 Kg
Standard Testing : ASTM D-113 / AASHTO T-51; According SNI 06 -2432-1991
For determining ductility of formed asphalt/ cement or semi solid bitument by measuring distance of elangation before breaking point when two end of briquet are pulled a part at a specific speed and temperature.
Dimension (l x w x h) : 244 x 80 x 80 cm / Gross weight : 150 Kg