ASTM C-128 / AASHTO T-84
For determining the water absorption of fine aggregate at saturated surface dry.
Consist of :
Dimension (l x w x h): 40 x 40 x 30 cm / Gross Weight: 7 Kg
ASTM C-231 AASHTO T-152 For determining the air content of freshly mixed concrete from observation of the change in volume of concrete with a change in pressure. CO-401 Air Entrainment Meter 5 ltr capacity, 3″ maximum agregate size, direct reading 0-10% , manometer, hand pump 1 Pc.
JUAL ALAT LABORATORIUM BETON khususnya ALAT KUAT TEKAN BETON | MESIN PRESS BETON | COMPRESSION MACHINE merupakan parameter utama yang harus diketahui dan dapat memberikan gambaran tentang hampir semua sifat—sifat mekanisnya yang lain dari beton tersebut. Hal ini dikarenakan karakteristik utama beton adalah sangat kuat dalam menahan gaya tekan, tetapi sangat lemah menerima gaya tarik.
ALAT KUAT TEKAN BETON dirancang untuk membantu dalam hal mencari nilai karakteristik beton yang di butuhkan, sesuai standar SNI 03-1974-1990 ASTM C-39 dengan bendan uji Kubus 15 x 15 x 15 cm atau Silinder 15 x 30 cm.
1500 kN Capacity x 5 kN Increment
Data Teknis :
Dimension (l x w x h) : 760 x 620 x 1400 mm approx. Weight 500 kg approx
Application :
– Measure rivers flows – Irrigation canals – Ocean flows – Air conditioning conduits – Sewage flows – Ventilation shafts – Hydrological studies – Aerological studies – Chimney flues
FLOW SPEED MEASUREMENT : – Units : km/ h, mph, knots, m/ s and cm/ s – Accuracy : + / – 5% from -10 to + 50′ C – Measuring range : 2 to 150 km/ h
Accessories : sold with a cap to protect the impeller
Temperature : Units : ‘ F and windchill Accuracy : + / – 1′ C Functions : Current, minimum, average, maximum temperature and windchill factor .
Supply Complete with : Air impeller Ø 20 mm, hole diameter Ø 33 mm ( included in the kit) Air impeller Ø 12 mm, hole diameter Ø 18 mm Water impeller Ø 60 mm ( included in the kit) Hanging velocity water current sensor with a 15 meters cable, water impeller incorpored
Specification : Temperature obtain 40° C constant use single element heater of 2, 500 Watt 120° C constant use double element heater of 2, 500 Watts. Blower Motor 1 HP / 0.75 Kw, 110 – 220V, 50 Hz, 4 Pole Control Panel Provided with setting timmer for 24 hours, setting temperature from room temperature up to 200° C. Overtemperature Protection Thermoregulated heating device digital thermostat provide with setting timmer for 24 hours setup. Texture interior : steel plate Texture exterior : steel plate cassing Double wall contain glass wool 8 rack standing pans , Four iron wheel for easy moving. Overall dimension : 120 L x 110 W x 220 H
Calibration Anvil Digunakan Untuk Proses Kalibrasi Concrete Test Hammer Secara Berkala.
Dimension ( L X W X H ) : 20 X 20 X 30 Cm. Gross Weight : 30 Kg
For determining the bearing ratio of soil.
Dimension ( l x w x h) : 110 x 70 x 70 cm
Gross Weight : 200 kg
Standard Testing : ASTM D-2172 / AASHTO T-164; According SNI 03-6894-2002
For determining bitument content in hot mixed paving and pavement samples.
Dimension (l x w x h): 60 x 40 x 60 cm / Gross weight: 50 Kg
Deskripsi Produk
ASTM D-2434 AASHTO T-215 For determining coefficient of permeability of soil sample.
For More Info Contact Us : CV. KARISMA LIGAR KARYA Mobile : +62812 1220 9178 Email : Website : //
For determining workability of compacting factor concrete of low, medium and high workability. Welded steel frame construction, two conical mold, one cylinder mold.
Dimension (l x w x h) : 30 x 60 x 130 cm / Gross weight : 75 Kg