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ASTM C-231 AASHTO T-152 For determining the air content of freshly mixed concrete from observation of the change in volume of concrete with a change in pressure. CO-401 Air Entrainment Meter 5 ltr capacity, 3″ maximum agregate size, direct reading 0-10% , manometer, hand pump 1 Pc.
JUAL ALAT LABORATORIUM BETON khususnya ALAT KUAT TEKAN BETON | MESIN PRESS BETON | COMPRESSION MACHINE merupakan parameter utama yang harus diketahui dan dapat memberikan gambaran tentang hampir semua sifat—sifat mekanisnya yang lain dari beton tersebut. Hal ini dikarenakan karakteristik utama beton adalah sangat kuat dalam menahan gaya tekan, tetapi sangat lemah menerima gaya tarik.
ALAT KUAT TEKAN BETON dirancang untuk membantu dalam hal mencari nilai karakteristik beton yang di butuhkan, sesuai standar SNI 03-1974-1990 ASTM C-39 dengan bendan uji Kubus 15 x 15 x 15 cm atau Silinder 15 x 30 cm.
1500 kN Capacity x 5 kN Increment
Data Teknis :
Dimension (l x w x h) : 760 x 620 x 1400 mm approx. Weight 500 kg approx
Calibration Anvil Digunakan Untuk Proses Kalibrasi Concrete Test Hammer Secara Berkala.
Dimension ( L X W X H ) : 20 X 20 X 30 Cm. Gross Weight : 30 Kg
For determining workability of compacting factor concrete of low, medium and high workability. Welded steel frame construction, two conical mold, one cylinder mold.
Dimension (l x w x h) : 30 x 60 x 130 cm / Gross weight : 75 Kg
Specifications :
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Display Manometer Digital 2000 kN:
Spesifikasi Software Comresiion Machine MBTES
DRYING SHRINKAGE AND MOISTURE APPARATUS ASTM C-490 The apparatus has been designed and manufactured to the recommendation ASTM-C490, Where test are required on laboratory specimens taken from exiting structure.
Cod: C380, CONCRETE TEST HAMMER, MATEST MODEL Description: Spring impact energy 0, 225 mkg.( 2, 207 Joule) Suitable for finished concrete structures and buildings having strength resistances from 10 to 70 N/ This concrete test hammer, entirely produced by Matest, has aluminium frame, and thanks to its very accurate manufacture processing and selected components ensures high precision test results in the time. The top quality test hammer available on the market. Supplied complete with calibration curve chart in N/ mm 2 ( Mpa) values, abrasive stone, carrying case. Dimensions: 330X100X100 mm Weight: 2 Kg.
ASTM C-231 AASHTO T-152 For determining the air content of freshly mixed concrete from observation of the change in volume of concrete with a change in pressure. CO-401 Air Entrainment Meter 5 ltr capacity, 3″ maximum agregate size, direct reading 0-10% , manometer, hand pump 1 Pc